Sunday, July 13, 2008




THE MOST CURRENT PICTURE-- post eye surgery

Known names:
Real first name : UNKNOWN (goes by FOB name Starrie) real first name probably something chinese
Real surname: Fan (chinese ethnicity 100%)
Fake surname N01 :Kamenashi
Fake surname N02: Callaghan-Kamenashi
Fake first name : Kanai
Fake surname N03: Masaya

The background story is pretty much unknown to me except the fact that she was born in Beijing as a single female child,and moved to Canada /North York ,her old high school yearbooks A.Y.Jackson have her as Starrie Fan,the things become interesting towards the end of high school when something short-circuits in her mind and she decides that she is not Chinese at all but half Singaporean and half Japanese with last name Kamenashi,also she becomes 2 years younger.By the data we have she is 1984but goes as 1987/1988 when introducing herself to people.At this stage she has become a good liar already ,such is the lie that she works as a part-time flight attendant, if such thing exists at all??!?

After completing her high-school she starts going to OCAD (ontario college of art and design) where she meets probably her biggest victim, a deranged girl Monica Wong that thinks she is a boy?? And no matter how bizarre it sounds they start dating as boyfriend and girlfriend.The only use she has for Monica is purely using her towards her gain,dating a girl brings certain benefits such as not having to have sex with the person (although her hormones gave up later on,with other people she cheated Monica with). The other girl is being used to gain money from and other things, Starrie even goes that far and does a tattoo with monica.Both of them have a tattoo saying "happily ever after" bellow the wrist and the date they started dating as seen in the pictures.(this is important since it leads to the bizarre story about starries dead sisters)

gooogie schizogie poogie anorexie

When asked by me about the meaning of the tattoo and is it because she met her boyfriend at that date (i guess i had a good feeling when i first met her) she replied almost insulted "Do you think im stupid what if we broke up one day?" well i guess i was stupid enough not to think she is that stupid.

Around that time Starrie goes from purely Kamenashi to Callaghan-Kamenashi now her background is 1/4 singaporean,1/4 white and half Japanese of course.The new story she was born in Birmingham,UK 1988 but the authorities made a mistake and put 1987 oneone11!!?! Father:she hates him still /died from leukemia,Mother:A successful buyer for high class fashion in Osaka/had a heart transplant!!!!,Sisters :2 sisters both deceased from a heart disease that apparently runs in the family affecting the female side..........also the purpose of the tattoo is apparently to signify the death date of her sister.....what bs.......Monica then must have felt even worse and decided to signify her sisters deaths too ......schizo's.Now lets stop here for a second,how messed and bizarre do you have to be to talk those kind of things about your family,that is bad Karma doesn't she know any better,we are Chinese after all talking about false death in family is a serious offense.

I am happy to announce this millenium's award for the ugliest and most deranged being goes to MONICA WONG from the planet earth.
if i was this ugly i would be gay too.

Other big lie going around is the University of Waterloo where Starrie is apparently doing distance education in a 5 year program for Architecture and Mechanical Engineering which apparently yeilds 2 degrees.This was easy to check and i sent an e-mail inquiry to the Waterloo Distance Education Department about that program,of course there is no such thing and no you cant do engineering distance ED.

The lies about Birmingham have culminated when she posted a blog entry about her home town with some pictures,she made a mistake and didnt delete the real names of those pictures so "Ralph the skater boy who taught her how to scate" is actually some random 16yr old skater kid called Nick from Deviant Art( i even talked to the guy over msn) and the rest of the pics are also from other peoples blogs(the pics of her friends as she put it).She doesnt know how to skate she is just one sorry fob...... with big issues.

Also, apparently she is a model?! only does one fashion show per year for Holt Renfrew of course, during those harsh and terrible but very satisfying days she is allowed to eat only 3 apples per day for a month before the show so that she would be skinny enough......of course everyone who knows her is aware that she is anorexic as is so further diet would leave skin hanging from her bones(although the current situation is not far from that the skin is just tight on the bones);and no, no one wants a model with a terrible posture like hers............3 apples per day its more likely she is on a steady diet of crack and excrements when she comes up with all this bs.

The story that she currently works at Holt Renfrew as the lead showroom designer is guess what ?? a lie

The last known thing is that she had an eye surgery while in Beijing visiting her family (birmingham??Osaka?? no Beijing,CHINA).......the reason for the surgery to make her eyes look bigger and more Japanese ,for christs sake.

Oh the things don't end up here,she also loves creating characters that actually "interact" with you/me/us,the top ones are Stanley Wong (chinese guy amazingly...... head over heals in love with starrie,but they are just friends and he can barely hold all that pain inside lol)......also Stanley goes to waterloo distance education(probably same fictional program).....great alibi for our little liar.Stanley Wong a perfect alibi for everything, especially making the current boyfriend jealous because he just doesnt hide his love for also his birthdate seems to be changing into the current boyfriends birthdate ,this guy is never to be seen has a profile at the social website starrie currently uses (friendster,facebook now) and has no friends whatsoever except starrie and people she introduced to him which amount up to 3 or 4 max per website,he has only 3 pictures of himself he uses on each website and he is in starrie's head,she uses him to make herself look good in front of everybody,because having a fan and someone so devoted is a good thing [=.........clever little starrie
Then there is Jackie Adams ,Stanley's brother ?!! i dont know what is the story behind this imaginary friend of starrie, but he lives in a parallel dimension ---read----montreal or something and only has starrie as a friend on facebook.........he also shows up from time to time on her profile to share love and good advice.The twist here is he also dated starrie and is also in love with her so now there is a conflict of interests because brothers are in love with the same girl and blablablablabla we get one nice Hong Kong drama with a twist...HOLY SHIT!.. I hate only being cbc because of those HK dramas, they suck,only a fob would like that.
And the last person one i have only had the honor to meet 2ce in my life,but not the least important.Amy Park ............they are friends from high school and really close friends........after talking to amy about starrie?! and she telling me how starrie is the thing on the campus,the alpha and omega of popularity,everyone in University of Waterloo is talking about starrie,all the guys want to get laid with starrie, are these two girls really that close friends or is amy blinded by her awesomness..........Of course the real truth behind Amy Parks existince is that there was never Amy Park from A.Y going to waterloo,and yea starrie is not going to waterloo she just goes there to chill/waste time......amazing right.
She is truly amazing,because apart from making these imaginary characters she even talks to them,writes on their page and has actual conversations with them.

Photos courtesy of Googie woogie my dear transgendered mutated rat/girl?!


It appears that another identity is being made this time she is---
born 1988
Country born- Japan/Tokyo
Parents- 100% Japanese
the punch line ,her name Kanae Katsumi

Currently Student in Toronto but going back to Tokyo after studies (she better go since he blew it here,alas that is the problem with lying you cant lie forever they dont know when to stop)

This is parallel to some stories going around and that she will attempt to go to Japan to teach English,however we don't know if she can lie her way around not being native English speaker since she tends to make grammar mistakes quite often and her accent is not perfect either.


After finding out about our joint project, she quickly decided to start a new identity this time she is Kanae Masaya. Also, 100% Japanese girl living in Toronto. Also she deleted everyone who could be one of us off her facebook but it was too late,she even deleted the fantastic 4 to save her self...........maybe the fantastic 4 is part of us or maybe the fantastic 4 was underneath just....


After confronting her she denied everything and said she did it for fun,because she was bored but i still dont believe anyone sane would make up dead sisters and tell people who know them about that ,because they are bored.Also, she thinks facebook is really important thus she changed her name to her real last name at least Fan, however before that she deleted most people who were fed the lies. We have made a small step but we are going somewhere.Should we stop ummm no , supermodel,supersmart,superrich and everything and she fails her 2nd year at OCAD lol.................... lets leave this here for the future and take whatever chance we have got to RUIN this rich spoiled sick fob's plans to bullshit people until she accepts to be just what she is nothing better than others and so far much worse than others, or even better get some professional help.


Interesting article:
Does it remind you of someone you know?

Also some background on pathological liars and how to tell if you know one:

Identifying a Pathological Liar

Pathological liars, or "mythomaniacs," may be suffering from histrionic personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder. The following comments basically reflect a pathological liar who has the characteristics of histrionic personality disorder.

Some characteristics:

1. Exaggerates things that are ridiculous.

2. One-upping. Whatever you do, this person can do it better. You will never top them in their own mind, because they have a concerted need to be better than everyone else. This also applies to being right. If you try to confront an individual like this, no matter how lovingly and well-intentioned you might be - this will probably not be effective. It's threatening their fantasy of themselves, so they would rather argue with you and bring out the sharp knives than admit that there's anything wrong with them.

3. They "construct" a reality around themselves. They don't value the truth, especially if they don't see it as hurting anyone. If you call them on a lie and they are backed into a corner, they will act very defensively and say ugly things (most likely but depends on personality), but they may eventually start to act like, "Well, what's the difference? You're making a big deal out of nothing!" (again, to refocus the conversation to your wrongdoing instead of theirs).

4. Because these people don't value honesty, a lot of times they will not value loyalty. So watch what you tell them. They will not only tell others, but they will embellish to make you look worse. Their loyalty is fleeting, and because they are insecure people, they will find solace in confiding to whomever is in their favor at the moment.

5. They may be somewhat of a hypochondriac. This can come in especially useful when caught in a lie, for example, they can claim that they have been sick, or that there's some mysteriously "illness" that has them all stressed out. It's another excuse tool for their behavior.

6. Obviously, they will contradict what they say. This will become very clear over time. They usually aren't smart enough to keep track of so many lies (who would be?).

Here are some ways to tell someone is a pathological liar contributed by another WikiAnswers Contributor:

  • They lie about even the smallest things. For example, saying "I brushed my teeth today," when they didn't.

  • They add exaggerations to every sentence.

  • They change their story all the time.( yep)

  • They act very defensively when you question their statements.

  • They believe what they say is true, when everyone else knows it isn't.

Here's an alternate "checklist":

  • Lies when it is very easy to tell the truth.(yep)

  • Lies to get sympathy, to look beter, to save their butt, etc.(yep dead sisters,mother with a heart transplant,fainting for 20 sec at a time because of a heart disease?!)

  • Fools people at first but once they get to know him, no one believes anything they ever say.(actually she can take it pretty far,but only because of being loaded with money)

  • May have a personality disorder.(you can take it to the bank)

  • Extremely manipulative.(oh boy)

  • Has been caught in lies repeatedly.(yup)

  • Never fesses up to the lies.

  • Is a legend in their own mind. (fucking eh!)

Here are more opinions :

  • I have found a few differences in pathological liar and a "slime ball" liar. Pathological liars cannot tell that they are lying they actually believe the lie as soon as it comes out of their mouth.

  • Here are things to ask yourself: How could this many things happen to one person? Would believe these stories if someone else told you? Think back to the beginning: you had red flags and alarms going off in you head. Learn to trust your instincts.

  • It is very hard to tell when one is a pathological liar. Some people just are liars and lie to lie because they can and they don't care about getting caught and aware that you know they have lied. These people care not about lying, it's no big deal. It's like "ok, so what? I lied". The pathological liar on the other hand, IS aware that they are lying BUT will go to extremes to make you believe that they are truthful. They appear to believe their own lies BUT in truth, they know their lies are just that, lies. But because their efforts are constantly backing up their lies, it appears to us that they actually believe their lies, when we eventually do find out about them and then we tend to feel sorry for these people. Then they have an excuse, "I am sick, I don't know why I lie, I believed what I was saying etc." The only truth was the fact that they don't know why they lie. Other than that it's crap. It is true that most of them have an extremely low sense of self worth and are continuously trying to make themselves feel better about THEMSELVES and this is one reason they lie. It is about them but the lies are not always set up with the purpose to hurt some one else; it's that these people feel so low about themselves they need to create ANYTHING different from the ugly reality they feel about themselves so they lie about even the most tiniest little thing. The people closest to them get sucked into these lies which sometimes start as something very trivial and then turn into something that can turn everyone involved worlds upside down and inside out.

  • Unmasking the pathological liar is an easier task when the pathological liar is no more than a casual acquaintence to the "un-masker." Close relationships provide camouflage for the pathological liar, and intimacy provides a heavily-fortressed breeding ground.

  • Other indicators: 1) Rage attacks after they realize you're questioning their lies. 2) Distraction techniques, e.g. hanging up the phone when you catch them in lie, playing word games, or even just running out of the room. After using the distraction technique, or rage attack, or sometimes both, they will pretend that nothing ever happened. They re-write history, so it never did happen in their minds. Normal people do it too, but these people take it to the extreme.

  • ni hao dodge this
  • small tip for your future: always tell the truth ,that way you dont have to remember what you said.

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